Strata Mastery Body Corporate Management Services
Suzanne Gross Chairperson, Body Corporate for Brisbane Casino Towers CTS 51565
“Few Body Corporate committees start with the knowledge and experience necessary to be fully functional. We often place all trust in building management and naively assume everyone is conducting their contractual management responsibilities with the due diligence and skill. Our collective inexperience and knowledge of legislation, management agreement and strata responsibilities can cost our investments dearly.
Brisbane Casino Towers Body Corporate Committee (consisting of 379 lots) was no exception. Our common area assets were suffering, our concerns were falling on deaf ears and we felt disempowered. Then Strata Mastery came along and all that changed. The executive team completed comprehensive Committee Training workshops (was our 2nd best investment after hiring Strata Mastery) where we learned about:
- legislation
- management vs body corporate responsibilities
- thorough comprehension of our specific management agreement
- independent auditing options
- building inspections
- forecasted budgeting
- Contractors/contracts/scrutiny and final selection
- Outstanding levy payments
We have the good fortune of being mentored by Stephanie Yun, who took our very naive team of committee members and whipped us into shape and in 8 short months we have collectively turned our building around for the better. Stephanie has a rare ability to get the best out of everyone (including management) and do so in the most respectful, professional manner.
Her commitment to excellence, attention to detail, follow-through, due diligence, and accountability has been nothing short of outstanding. We are forever grateful for her guidance, knowledge, and dedication.
Choosing Strata Mastery will be your best investment. With appreciation, utmost respect and the highest of recommendations I 100% endorse Strata Mastery.”

Nicholas Loizou Executive Committee Member, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
“As a long term property investor and body corporate executive committee member of two strata titled schemes in Queensland, engaging Strata Mastery to provide technical guidance and support on all body corporate management, legislation and budget forecasting requirements has been a breath of fresh air. The industry knowledge, professionalism, hands-on customer support and inclusive management style displayed by Managers is a true credit to Strata Mastery.
Within a short period of time, our body corporate is finally on track to succeed and not fail. We are across all aspects of our (committee) role to manage and properly control the condition of the common property now and for years to come.
Strata Mastery has also proactively assisted in introducing the body corporate to an independent group of qualified (ABMA Industry Accredited) service contractors and trade professionals to ensure that our Committee meet our statutory obligations and safeguard our scheme.
Stephanie Yun and the team at Strata Mastery deserve genuine praise and recognition for their outstanding work and we gladly refer Strata Mastery body corporate management services to all unit owners and investors.”

Jane Cox Executive Committee Member, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
”There is so much to say, I struggle to condense it into a review that people would take the time to read, so let me just say this, Strata Mastery and Stephanie Yun are absolutely OUTSTANDING! The best decision we made as a body corporate committee, that is for sure! Stephanie is brilliant, her service, professionalism, industry knowledge and organisational skills are like no other.
Since onboarding, my role as Chairperson is far less labour intensive, meetings are run efficiently and professionally, with dates set well in advance and minutes precisely detailed. Stephanie is extremely personable, lovely to deal with and fun whilst running a tight ship! Our meetings are now well planned and professional, we have never had so many committee members in attendance, which is great for our community.
Strata Mastery has an online portal for all owners, allowing us to access information at any time, it also makes approvals for invoicing and payments easier and far less time consuming.
An important point to mention is that Strata Mastery has really defined our committee roles, who does what and when, naturally, this has really helped with the workload for executive members and our caretaker. Our committee are all volunteers and have been learning along the way, sometimes stumbling, now with Stephanie she has educated us more in 4 months than I have experienced in 4 years. I finally feel like I can take a huge step back from this voluntary position without getting bombarded with emails and VOCM’s and other duties that are not my responsibility and concentrate on my career.
We are extremely fortunate to be in the hands of the best, thank you Stephanie Yun and Strata Mastery, you are wonderful! If you are reading this and considering a change, I highly recommend you setting up a meeting with Stephanie and see what she can offer your strata community.”

Lynda Kypriadakis Managing Director, DPX Projects & The Diverse Group of Companies, Brisbane City
“Having known Stephanie YUN personally since 2006 I can confidently and personally attest to her business acumen and extensive knowledge of strata legislation. Founded in an extraordinary range of skills relevant to the management of any CMS, Stephanie is an uncommonly astute and responsible strata manager.
In addition to her excellent strata management capability, Stephanie further offers a wealth of knowledge on the caretaking and maintenance side of managing residential and mixed-use strata properties. Stephanie (Strata Mastery) delivers exceptional strata management and training outcomes in this space as a value-add to clients.
The Diverse Group of Companies understand that Stephanie is an active member of the national Independent Review Panel for the ABMA and contributes voluntarily to the annual editing and review of the ABMA Building Management Code© [Queensland Edition]. In addition to her voluntary involvement, Stephanie is an Accredited ABMA Trainer who develops and delivers multiple accredited training programs to support upskilling of participants on strata committees as well as their building managers.
If exceptional diligence, competency and old-fashioned accountability is what you are seeking, Stephanie and her team at Strata Mastery will deliver.
If there is anything further I may provide at this stage, my contact details are below. I would happily provide a verbal reference should one be required.
Lynda Kypriadakis
0400 900 469
lyndak@diversefmx.com “.

Edward Haysom Chairperson, Body Corporate for
Cumulus CTS 15459
“I am new to serving on Bodies Corporate.
Although I arrived at the Cumulus building in the Cloudland Complex with a background in the design of buildings I had no experience of how they operated following completion. Our building is 26 years old and while its fabric was being maintained it was falling behind current market offerings in how it presented.
Over the years the Cumulus building, like other strata titled buildings, had handed over its operating responsibility to building managers and caretakers. Many strata owners serve for short periods of time thus it is inevitable complacency sets in by both parties and there is little engagement because it seems too hard, and most people in the building are busy with their working lives.
When building managers have long tenures and Body Corporate committees regularly change, there is often a tendency to treat those in the building as tenants rather than building owners.
When I first came on the committee every suggestion of improvement was met by resistance, everything was a struggle. When we realised we were getting nowhere, a friend who knew our situation recommended Stephanie Yun as the new manager.
We loved the fact she interviewed us! It was a mark of her professionalism that she wanted to ensure we shared the same goal of excellence that she and her team at Strata Mastery did.
Her service – as well as those of her team – is outstanding and it is backed up by an incredible knowledge of legislation and strata responsibilities. She has an amazing rolodex – to use an old term for contacts. Her style is one of guiding rather than confronting. She is very straightforward – no games – but she is also very diplomatic and patient. And she listens!
The committee is so very pleased and so thankful they made the change. Her recommendations have significantly improved our building both in value and the lives of the residents within it.
Stephanie and the Strata Mastery group come with our highest recommendation.”

Renee Wright Executive Committee Member, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
“The Founder of Strata Mastery, Stephanie Yun, is exceptional! Stephanie’s industry knowledge, accreditations, professionalism, organisational skills and highly dedicated service to her body corporate clients is truly commendable and one of a kind.
Strata Mastery has made an incredible difference to our Body Corporate. Within just a few short months of being appointment to our scheme, Strata Mastery has accomplished far more for us than our previous Body Corporate Managers ever achieved in all the years that they were engaged. There is no comparison!
The Strata Mastery team offer a number of administration, caretaker performance management and training services other Body Corporate Management companies we have found, simply cannot and do not offer.
The Committee Members/Owners are often seen exclaiming, ‘Thank God for Stephanie!’.
Changing to Strata Mastery was the smartest decision our Body Corporate Committee has made.”
Steve Cook Chairperson, Body Corporate for Gresham Gardens CTS 20316
“The Gresham Gardens Body Corporate (58 Lot Scheme Residential Development) began working with ‘Strata Mastery‘ after becoming frustrated with the poor advice and performance of our previous body corporate managers.
Throughout the tender process ‘Strata Mastery’ displayed excellent knowledge of the issues we were facing and since taking over representation has consistently & confidently guided us.
We are very thankful that we made the switch to ‘Strata Mastery’ their comprehensive guidance once again proved essential in navigating a recent change of the caretaker rights assigned to the property (terms and conditions of the assignment included the appointment of a suitably qualified horticulturalist to supervise and guide the Managers for an agreed period, enrolment in the 12 month facility management diploma course, committing to an independent caretaker performance management audit (if required) and all at the incoming Caretaker’s expense – Previously no such terms were negotiated by the Strata Manager on behalf of the Body Corporate).
I would not hesitate to recommend ‘Strata Mastery’ to any Body Corporate committee seeking new representation.”

Mark W Executive Committee Member, Since 1998, Brisbane City
“STRATA MASTERY BODY CORPORATE MANAGEMENT SERVICES – Stephanie Yun’s knowledge of the BCCM act was found to be second to none. We appreciated her ability to resolve what could have been a couple of very awkward and potentially very inflammatory situations. The attention to detail and full understanding of the BCCM Act cannot be underestimated. I would identify Stephanie as a stand out professional in her industry and I am absolutely delighted that she has embarked on the opportunity to once again use her professional knowledge and ability to assist and nurture an ever growing industry of predominantly unpaid volunteers in addition to owners. Please feel free to contact Stephanie for my communication details.”

Aggie Isakov Executive Committee Member Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
“When frustrations and hindrance took its toll on our newly appointed Committee, we were the luckiest Body Corporate in the world to be directed (by our strata lawyer) to Strata Mastery. Strata Mastery assisted our Committee with –
(1) Acquiring an accurate understanding of Caretaking Agreement/Contract “Schedule of Duties” (i.e. Roles and Responsibilities of the Building Manager);
(2) Conducting (internal) body corporate inspections of common property to help identify any potential non-compliances;
(3) Preparation of detailed Body Corporate Committee Reports to ensure that our Lot Owners were kept meticulously informed and up-to-date with any/all changes in legislation;
(4) Strata Mastery also assisted our Committee with a number of “outside of contract” (Strata Manager) body corporate administration services – at a significantly reduced hourly rate, to help our Committee keep costs down low;
(5) Additional Administration Services also included: Preparation of proposed annual budgets; Chairing – outside of business hour – committee meetings; Liaising with legal counsel; Negotiating contract and payment arrangements with prospective new strata managers; Tendering for quotations for outstanding building works; Reviewing body corporate documents and providing explanations to relevant stakeholders;
(6) Strata Mastery also delivered for our voting members the ABMA Code/Building Compliance Training Program, which gave us an important introduction to building infrastructure;
Strata Mastery was exactly what we needed! Highly Recommended! Strata Mastery will exceed your expectations!”
Karen Neuendorf Voting Member, Body Corporate for Signature Park CTS 29773 - OAM (Medal of the Order) & Quest Newspapers - 'Hall of Fame' Business Achiever
“In the past 12 months since appointing Strata Mastery (SM) as the body corporate managers for our residential building (consisting of 62 lots), the level of professionalism, skill and attention to compliance and governance has been heightened beyond the body corporate committee’s expectation.
Financial and budgetary literacy, poor systems, records, building maintenance and extensive other matters have been addressed and prioritised in an evidenced based project by project programme. All outstanding building, and on-site maintenance, by-laws and relationships with owners has been diplomatically and legislatively attended to by Stephanie/SM with optimum consideration.
The importance of a full bodied team to manage finances, building maintenance, owner documentation and a complete professional relationship with committees and owners is paramount and often under prioritised by body corporate committees. Stephanie/SM handles all matters for the body corporate to a high level that provides trust and enables owners, be they occupiers or investors, security for asset protection, and market value maximisation.
The owners have voted unanimously to continue Strata Mastery’s contract at the recent AGM, and I am delighted to be working with Stephanie and the specialist team. I will readily refer further business to Stephanie as confirmation of trust, and complete confidence in Strata Mastery guiding body corporate committees, ensuring owner support and satisfaction.”
Robert (Bob) Boundy Treasurer of the Unit Owner's Association of Queensland (UOAQ)
“Strata Mastery – professional attributes include:
i. Superior understanding of the BCCM legislation to ably assist and guide Body Corporate Committees in complying with the legislation.
ii. Even handed, fair and uncompromising in seeking the best outcome for clients.
iii. High standard of ethics and genuine commitment to helping others to improve their general knowledge, resulting in their empowerment to contribute to the community well-being of the building owners they represent.
iv. Highly articulate with superior training abilities.
I am happy to respond to any enquiries of anyone considering the engagement of Strata Mastery.”
John Sergeant Executive Committee Member, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
“With years of neglect showing and vacancy rates increasing our scheme was in need of help and guidance in turning this direction around, improving and developing the necessary property maintenance management tools and performance skills to return it to a profitable investment for owners and attracting tenants as a great place to stay. I have no hesitation in promoting Strata Mastery as being integral in instilling an assurance for the successful implementation of good building management practices and imparting the ideals of the ABMA (Australian Building Management Code).”
Alison Sun-Cooper Executive Committee Member, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
“Strata Mastery was appointed as our Senior Body Corporate Managers at two complexes during my tenure as an Executive Committee Member. Strata Mastery’s level of professionalism and knowledge of the BCCM Act far exceeded our expectations and differed tremendously from our experience with past Managers who would typically sit back and let the Committee drive meetings with no clear guidance or expertise. I highly recommend the services of Strata Mastery.”
Strata Mastery Training & Consultancy Services

Jacob Miceli & Rick O’Connor
Directors of JKR Property Group (VIC)

Mary & Paul PavlouOwner & Operators of Management Rights of Eastpark Bulimba CTS 51121

Jane Lau & Patrick CheungNew Owner & Operators of Circa Metro
CTS 46784
Cameron Groth - Chairperson, Brisbane City - Windsor Suites CTS 45299
“The team at ‘Strata Mastery’ has really been invaluable for our body corporate.
‘Strata Mastery’ consistently goes over and above for us, organising so many of the jobs a building manager would normally handle. The guidance they’ve provided to us, as a very green committee, has been nothing short of exceptional. I would not have been able to step into the chairperson role had I not had the expertise of ‘Strata Mastery’ to help me.
I will be forever thankful for the support we received during the Brisbane floods of 2022 which knocked out our only lift and caused so many other dramas. I doubt we would have received the same compassion and commitment from our previous strata company.
Thanks Stephanie and crew, your efforts do not go unnoticed. I would recommend ‘Strata Mastery’ to any body corporate, without a doubt.”
Nick Loizou, Chairperson - The Edge Carina CTS 4489 - Response to ABC - 4 Corners Broadcast
“Hi Team,
Thank you for your response on the ABC report and always being transparent in all actions as a stand out Body Corporate Manager.
As verbally conveyed at the AGM this week, I speak in my capacity as an Executive Committee Member and also personally as a lot owner of “The Edge Carina”, we are very fortunate to have been able to terminate our previous Body Corporate Management agreement and grateful from that point to have engaged ‘Strata Mastery’.
This was very difficult to execute and took over three years as the outgoing strata managers made it an extremely difficult termination process. Since that point, with the excellent services of ‘Strata Mastery’, we have promptly turned the scheme from a spiraling disaster, to bring it up to standard with the appropriate Body Corporate Management services and required maintenance.
It is now very well managed and has a very well structured and planned future forecast in place to maintain the costs and complex appropriately now and in the future.
As Committee, we look forward to maintaining our agreement and working with ‘Strata Mastery’ in the future.
Kind Regards,
Nick Loizou
On behalf of the Body Corporate for The Edge Carina CTS 4489″
Jennifer Burton - Executive Committee Member - Signature Park’ CTS 29773
“I was on the Body Corporate Committee for ‘Signature Park’ CTS 29773 (Teneriffe) which appointed ‘Strata Mastery’ (Stephanie Yun and her team) as our Strata Manager a couple of years ago.
It was refreshing to have a new Body Corporate Manager who was personable, interested, energetic, involved, contactable, well informed and experienced in Strata Management, and keen to impart her knowledge. The list could go on.
I am a resident of over 4 years and no longer on the Body Corporate Committee. However, I would like to express my confidence in the current Committee and the current Strata Management Team to achieve what is best for the interests of all at Signature Park Apartments.
By Jennifer Burton
Former Treasurer and Current Owner Occupier”
Ewan Blair - Building Manager, Wattle Hill CTS 28526
“ 5-STAR PERFORMER – ‘Strata Mastery’ (SM) was appointed to manage our multi-levelled, 3 tower, residential scheme (‘Wattle Hill’ CTS 28526) on 17 December 2021. With change, naturally there comes an element of apprehension but Stephanie Yun and her team of Managers, have proven time and time again that they are a body corporate management organisation that you can certainly count on.
Value for money, prompt service and impressive knowledge of body corporate building compliance, management of day-to-day technical challenges and issues, including balancing the many interests and agendas of individual lot owners, whilst improving the overall capital value of our joint asset, is just a few ways that I would describe the type of services we have come to benefit from.
On a serious note, ‘Strata Mastery’ single-handedly turned things around for our scheme with regards to securing insurance policy offerings (when no insurer would) and also went above and beyond to improve the overall (internal) culture of the scheme, which most managers/organisations overlook. Both living and working at WHA is now an absolute pleasure and a place that I am very proud to call my home. Only through ‘genuine’ service do changes such as these occur. Thank-you SM.”
Dr. Carys Chan - Ordinary Committee Member Body Corporate - Brisbane Casino Towers CTS 51565
“ I have had the privilege of working with Strata Mastery, specifically Stephanie Yun, for the past year, and I can confidently say that their body corporate management services have exceeded all expectations.
Stephanie’s dedication, professionalism, and commitment to our residential building‘s overall functioning and well-being have transformed our community’s living experience.
In body corporate committee meetings with Stephanie, her expertise, transparent communication, and proactive problem-solving have ensured that issues pertaining to our residential building are resolved promptly.
Strata Mastery’s efficient financial management and responsive customer service have also instilled confidence among owners and residents.
Finally, Stephanie’s attention to detail has helped to ensure that every aspect of our building’s management (e.g., maintenance, compliance, and budget) is flawlessly executed.
I wholeheartedly recommend Strata Mastery and Stephanie Yun for their exceptional services that have elevated the residential living quality of Brisbane Casino Towers CTS 51565 (consisting of 379 lots) to new heights. “
William Walker - Executive Committee Member - Annerley, QLD, Australia
STRATA MASTERY BODY CORPORATE MANAGEMENT – My experience with Strata Mastery was very professional from the very beginning. Managers certainly knew the business and took great pains in explaining everything, which was greatly appreciated. I would highly recommend this company.
Michael Parisi - Executive Committee Member - Brisbane, QLD, Australia
STRATA MASTERY BODY CORPORATE MANAGEMENT – As a new client, the service from Strata Mastery has been nothing short of excellent. The attention to detail and understanding of body corporate policy has been like nothing else experienced with our other properties. I would highly recommend using this business/service.
Daniel Mays - Wattle Hill CTS 28526 Committee Member - Brisbane, QLD, Australia
‘I can’t praise Stephanie Yun enough for the highest level of proficiency she brings to the table in leading, handling and resolving our Body Corporate matters. Stephanie has raised the bar in management of our complex. We are grateful for the manager we have at the helm of managing our Body Corporate.’
Gerry & Robyn Godwin - Skyline Terrace, Owner/Operators of Management Rights
“During our appointment as owners/operators of a management rights business in Brisbane’s CBD and whilst assuming a committee member position, Stephanie Yun (of Strata Mastery) was successfully engaged as our Body Corporate Manager. Stephanie is the consummate professional. Stephanie possesses a wealth of legislative knowledge but what is more rare to find in a Manager, is both BCCM Act and building compliance detailed support. The complete package! In addition to this, phone calls and emails were always responded to in a timely manner and no question was considered trivial or irrelevant. The enthusiasm, dedication and passion shown toward clients and the strata industry is in a word, unsurpassed. Stephanie is particularly skillful and adept in managing any difficulties/disagreements between committee members, lot owners, service contractors, caretakers and negotiating agreeable outcomes. Highly recommended.”
Andy Ko & Carol Ho - Owner/Operator of Management Rights - Melaleuca Chase
“STRATA MASTERY – ASSIGNMENT OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS (ON-SITE) TRAINING COURSE – If you are planning to buy management rights or want to up-skill within the strata industry, I would strongly recommend “Strata Mastery (SM)”. We were referred to SM by our Broker and Body Corporate Lawyer in preparation for our Assignment Interview. In just 3 days, the “New Entrant” Training Course taught us professional business practices and was extremely detailed. The knowledge and confidence my husband and I both gained from the course was impressive and without any doubt, better equipped us for our body corporate committee interview. Believe me! It was well worth it! Thank you so much Strata Mastery!”
Katherine Thomson - Executive Committee Member
“I was so impressed with “Strata Mastery” and the training course, I can’t wait to get them back again! We have a large complex Body Corporate in the Northern Territory and Stephanie Yun was considered “the best” and didn’t disappoint. The course content was specifically tailored to our location, our building and our caretaking agreement. “Strata Mastery” was on point, handled difficult situations well and were pragmatic at all times. I hope Stephanie gets back to Darwin – as I can’t wait to see her again. Thanks Stephanie, you are a true “professional”, and have elevated the work you do to a level we thought never existed.”
Wharf One & Wharf Two – Northern Territory, Darwin
Rebecca Zadegan - Executive Committee Member, The Grange
“This training was what I have been searching for. As a new Chairperson of a complex of 302 lots, we have been really struggling with the workload. What I intuitively knew, was provided in an easy to understand way over a 3 day intensive one-on-one program. The theory was clearly explained and then we did walkarounds to enable me in applying the theory to our unique situation. We chose the full package, which I’m super excited we did, because the Strata Mastery – “Platinum Club” is where it all comes together. The Committee has been doing the best we can but the foundations have been set up incorrectly and we were actually non-compliant in many areas. We were technically doing the Caretakers role, and operating from a significantly inaccurate budget. Now I have the knowledge to re-baseline the foundation, and can breathe deeper knowing I have 24/7 access to the RIGHT information. Strata Mastery are passionate trainers and I would absolutely recommend this training to ALL committees, caretakers and strata managers! This is the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle I’ve been searching for. My only comment would be it felt a bit rushed, with such a wealth of information. I thoroughly enjoyed the training. Thanks Strata Mastery!”
Charmaine Kwong - Executive Committee Member
“It is with immense pleasure that I write this testimonial for the recent services provided by “Strata Mastery” to our Body Corporate. If any Body Corporate have issues with their Building Manager or even their Committee Members not understanding the “Code of Conduct” and obligations, “Strata Mastery” would be the training arena to go to.
Four members of our Body Corporate Committee and our Building Manager attended the “Strata Mastery” Building Compliance 101 and ABMA Code Utilisation & Code of Conduct course conducted by Strata Mastery.
The course was specifically tailored and customised to our scheme.
The structure of the course was easy to follow and informative as it gives clear practical guidelines around compliance obligations in relation to building management and maintenance for our building.
The course gave us “deep insights” into the non-exhaustive list of legislative requirements in areas of building management from both the Body Corporate and Building Management’s perspective.
In particular, the ABMA Code will be pertinent to our building as it will definitely assist in ensuring our common property and building is managed and maintained in accordance with the non-exhaustive list of Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice and “Best Practice” delivery standards. As mentioned by Stephanie, “there is no gray, the Code is black and white”.
In a short period of time, I have found Trainers to be very professional, proactive and patient. Staff took the time to address issues we highlighted during the course and provided us with the appropriate solutions to achieve the best possible outcome for what was “best for the building”.
Stephanie Yun’s expert knowledge and understanding of the Body Corporate & Community Management Act and the ABMA Code was at the “tip of her fingers” and her attention to detail was exceptional. Stephanie adopts a personal hands-on-approach and was willing to assist without hesitation. She definitely had a genuine commitment in assisting us as she goes above and beyond to provide support and guidance after the course.
I have no hesitation in recommending “Strata Mastery” to any Body Corporate and would encourage all Committee Members and Building Managers to attend.
Thank you once again “Strata Mastery” for all your assistance!”
Sinnamon’s View, Brisbane
Alan Lyne - Body Corporate Chairperson
“We recently engaged “Strata Mastery” to deliver training and consultancy services to our incoming Building Manager. The Manager agreed that it was time well spent and that she had gained valuable information that would assist her ongoing management of the resort.
Initially the Committee was a little skeptical as to what would be achieved by having Strata Mastery involved. However over time from original discussions held through to the completion of the agreed training program, their approach was both professional, encouraging and patient.
Strata Mastery took the time to analyse the potential risk areas that would be confronting for the Manager and then set about providing the appropriate solutions. Upon completion of the training session, Strata Mastery also contacted the Committee and provided not only positive feedback but also things the Committee could do to work closely with the new Manager.
The exercise was both effective and enlightening and we are very appreciative of the technical skills that the Strata Mastery team we able to pass onto our new Manager. We have no hesitation in recommending Strata Mastery to any body corporate, employer or organisation and firmly believe that you would benefit from her expertise.”
The Emerald Resort, Noosa
Grace Hsu - Owner & Operator of Management Rights - Brisbane City
“OUR STRATA MASTERY TRAINING EXPERIENCE EXCEEDED ALL OUR EXPECTATIONS AND WE WERE IMPRESSED BEYOND WORDS – We cannot emphasise enough the importance of undertaking the “Strata Mastery” – Caretaker Performance Management Audit Training Course. In a word, our experience was phenomenal! The legislative/compliance knowledge, immediate, hands-on, fully customised course went far beyond our every expectations and taught us not only how to comply with our building management agreement but where services and duties fell outside our service agreement (and were therefore an additional stream of income to our business). We highly recommend “Strata Mastery”. The course is essential for anyone looking to start a body corporate management rights new business or for those looking to advance their technical knowledge and excel in their current role as Building Managers/Property Managers .”
Brad Burnett of ``Pest-Nett`` - General Pest & Termite Treatment Specialists
“As a business owner/operator our company growth until now, has been largely attributed to word-of-mouth and referrals from existing clientele. We had a desire to expand our business in the strata property space and although we had experience and dealings with bodies corporate, we were committed to keeping on top of any changes to (building compliance) legislation relating specifically to our service field and also to gain an understanding of the Body Corporate & Community Management Act, to better assist our strata clients.
After a chance conversation with Mr Ralph Martell of (Newstead) “London Woolstore Apartments”, I was introduced to “Strata Mastery”. From the get-go, Staff helped put us on the right path. We attended a series of half-day training sessions (which ranged from beginners through to advance levels) and Staff assisted us to gain an insight into the inner workings and legislative obligations of bodies corporate. I was genuinely impressed to find that Strata Mastery continued to provide support long after courses were held. In fact, I feel Trainers went out of their way to introduce the team to other like-minded, compliance conscious committee members, building managers, strata managers and property developers who shared our values.
It is my belief that if you are a business operator looking for a point of difference and industry recognition, you couldn’t go past attending Strata Mastery’s – “Body Corporate Best Practice” and “ABMA Code” short (4-hour) courses. Programs are affordable for any start-up business. Strata Mastery succeeds in making an otherwise clinical and complex subject, interesting, enjoyable and very easy to digest! The courses, in my view, are essential for any service contractor/business looking to expand or gain professional recognition within the body corporate market. Thank-you Strata Mastery!”
Brisbane City, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast
Barbara Lockyer - Strata Manager
“STRATA MASTERY TRAINING & CONSULTANCY SERVICES – The “Aspect Property Group” was established in 1989. We pride ourselves on delivering unique and innovative properties and our team of industry specialised site managers, registered builders, tradespeople and apprentices are the corner stone of what makes APG, award winning, developments. We also believe that the continual up-skilling of our workforce is critical to our success.
We initially engaged Strata Mastery training services to keep up to date with changes in building compliance legislation. However, as APG’s business model expanded into body corporate management, we were looking for a service provider with specialised body corporate knowledge and industry experience in areas including building compliance, property/letting/lease management, business management and strata title management. We were looking for flexibility to accommodate staff with varying levels of competency. It was important to us that training and consultancy services were able to be customised to meet our specific company needs.
Without question, Strata Mastery provided such a service and delivered on our expectations.
In addition to Strata Mastery’s educational courses, we were also introduced to “Platinum Club” which provided a suite of body corporate motions, operational templates, procedural guides. It is a great resource endorsed by Grace Lawyers (specialist body corporate solicitors) and also complies with the Australian Building Management Code. We would highly recommend Strata Mastery to anyone looking to improve their business and community in the strata industry.”
John Nibbs - Executive Committee Member
“I recently completed the “Strata Mastery” Building Compliance 101 and ABMA Code Introduction & Code Utilisation” training course as an executive member of the Body Corporate. The training was invaluable as it provided advice on statutory and building management responsibilities for facilities managers and committee members. Some standards are not regulated and the ABMA Code provides advice on minimum levels of compliance and how best to measure performance. The Code is very well laid out; and provides information in a manner which is easy to find and understand. I had no clear picture of who was responsible for what; strata management, the building manager, or owners (committee); this training provided very clear advice and I was shocked to find out how much I did not know. The training was provided in a friendly and interactive environment. Stephanie Yun was an excellent presenter and was most helpful in addressing issues specific to my building. I would encourage any stakeholders in building management (and from my perspective particularly committee members) to attend the training.”
Canberra Heights, Sunshine Coast
Nicholas Miao - Owner & Operator of Management Rights
“Without a doubt important information. The kind of information managers do not want to learn through experience!”
Edward Street, Brisbane
Dr. Deborah Kuchler - Committee Member
“I am the Chairperson of CTS 30418 Body Corporate Committee, a Member of CTS 32731 Body Corporate Committee and an Owner at CTS 24687. The risks associated with managing these complex buildings are high and constant both for Management and the Committee. I recommend that all Building Managers and Committee Members at the very least, complete the Australian Building Management Code Introductory Course held by Strata Mastery. I also strongly recommend the full course. Trainers have an extraordinary ability to present the complex content in a practical manner and at a level that can be understood by all participants. Therefore the courses enjoy a high level of engagement and participation by all. I highly recommend Strata Mastery courses without reservation.”
Owner “La Sabbia” Residences, CTS 24687, Surfers Paradise
Suranga Gonakumbura - Facilities Management, Victoria
“5 STAR RATING – Exceptional course (Building Compliance 101 & Strata Mastery – ABMA Code Utilisation & Code of Conduct – Weekend Training Course), not to mention the extraordinary, extremely knowledgeable Trainer, Stephanie Yun, with practical, hands-on experience in the strata field. It was interesting – every minute of it. Well worth it and money well spent. I have gained lots of practical information from the training course and ABMA Code and I learn something new every time I read the course content… The course was the absolute “icing on the cake” and as a highly experienced Facility Manager of large, high-rise, mixed use schemes, this is a genuine credit to Strata Mastery.”
Chadwick harding - Owner/Operator of Management Rights, Kangaroo Point
“Wow! The Strata Mastery (ABMA) Building Compliance & Body Corporate Legislation training course exceeded my expectations. Very detailed & personalised onsite training, which is rare to find. The training fills you with absolute confidence for your best practice procedures and knowledge, helping you guide and direct building/committee performance at a high standard. Thank you Stephanie! You’re providing great knowledge to assist the industry. Very glad I took this course with you.”
Jenny Brown - Executive Committee Member
“The training made us aware of the many ‘gaps’ between legislated standards required of Body Corporate Managers and Building Mangers, and the expectations of Committees and Lot Owners in general. I feel the session gave us a good understanding of what we don’t necessarily know, and how to find answers or solutions from the Code. The ABMA Code Introductory Program + “Strata Mastery” – ABMA Code Utilisation & Code of Conduct Program, reflected the vast experience and knowledge Stephanie (Senior Trainer) had of the industry and her explanations made it easy to follow legislated processes to meet our compliance obligations. I am sure all participants were encouraged more than ever to strive for ‘best practice’ in their different roles.”
Alexandra Beach Resort Apartments (“Breakfree”), Caloundra
Meg Cole Ryan - Body Corporate Chairperson
“Our Body Corporate Committee was starting from scratch with our understanding of the ABMA Code when commencing training with “Strata Mastery”.
Trainers were patient, professional and knowledgeable. Training sessions have enabled our Committee to become more confident in fulfilling our roles and responsibilities as voluntary committee members.
Our compliance training was also extended to Strata Mastery’s – “Body Corporate Best Practice” training program. The program provided the Committee and our new Building Manager with a greater understanding of the Body Corporate & Community Management Act, it’s associated Regulation Modules (in Queensland) in addition to a greater understanding of the practical application of legislation relating specifically to maintenance, compliance and care of our building. We were provided with a copy of ‘The New Layperson’s Guide to Body Corporate Laws in Qld’ as well as a workshop guide that summarised our key roles and responsibilities.
Our extensive training with “Strata Mastery” has enabled our Committee to feel as though we are taking more responsible control of our valued investment, whilst also supporting our Building Manager to become better informed about his own responsibilities in building compliance and Workplace Health and Safety Management requirements.
Trainers were extremely generous with their time; in particular, an offer to provide a follow up session with our Building Manager to help him better understand the ABMA Code in relation to his own caretaker’s contract.
Strata Mastery training courses are practical, extremely well planned and very accessible for everyone. Strata Mastery have helped our Committee to perform with more confidence and knowledge. Trainers are only a phone call away for any questions. We are in a much stronger position than we were before our training with “Strata Mastery.”
Winchcombe Carson Woolstore CTS 28348, Teneriffe
Tom - Body Corporate Chairperson
“Finally, a tailored training course that is specifically customised to our very own building and strata scheme! Stephanie provides an expert knowledge base in a fun, informative and practical session. Highly recommended to Committee Members and Building Managers alike.”
Skyline Terrace Bowen Hills – Brisbane City
Gerry & Robyn Godwin - Resident Unit Managers
“We have had the pleasure of knowing Stephanie Yun (Director of “Strata Mastery”) for the past 5 years and have found her to be both knowledgeable and a dedicated professional. Stephanie has an unwavering passion and genuine commitment to the strata title industry and is generous with her time and knowledge in helping and supporting others to better understand their compliance obligations. Strata Mastery workshops are practical, informative and delivered in an easy to follow, understandable manner. We highly recommend all persons involved in strata buildings to at least complete the “Strata Mastery” – ABMA Code Introductory + ABMA Code Utilisation & Code of Conduct Program.”
Urban Sanctuary Villas, Currimundi, Sunshine Coast – Year 2017
Mick Toms - Owner & Operator of Multiple Management Rights
“Coral Sea Properties Pty Ltd is a Mackay based company that holds management rights and operates high rise apartment complexes in the Mackay region. Paramount to our success in the property management industry is compliance and becoming an accredited organisation with the ABMA. “Strata Mastery” has provided us with a full turnkey solution to assisting us with our training and ABMA accreditation needs. “Strata Mastery” has been a great company to deal with from start to end. Trainer’s knowledge of the strata industry and the ABMA is amazing. Staff are polite, friendly, refreshing training professionals, we highly recommend that you engage “Strata Mastery” for all of your ABMA and strata training needs.”
Corel Sea Properties – Mackay
Duncan Bains & Pamela Bains - Owner & Operators of Management Rights
“My wife and I have recently completed the ABMA Building Management Code Introductory Course + “Strata Mastery” – ABMA Code Utilisation & Code of Conduct Workshop. We both found the course extremely informative and important in our role as (onsite) Building Managers. Staff delivery style was logical and clear, creating interest throughout. Trainer’s extent of knowledge was such that no question was left unanswered despite there being present a number of students with their own unique experiences to share. We have no hesitation in recommending the ABMA program and Strata Mastery to any person/s with interests in management rights.”
Sunshine Coast – Island Quays
James Gooley of ``Q-Paint``
“QPaint has been involved with the Strata Industry for over 20 years. In the last 12 months we have had the pleasure of dealing with Stephanie Yun at Strata Mastery and the ABMA. We have found Stephanie to be the most informed and passionate, of any Strata Manager. Stephanie is leading the cause for a better industry standard with the ABMA. Stephanie is bringing to the attention, of what is required of Strata Managers, On site Managers, Committee Members, and Trade Contractors. With complex rules and regulations within the Strata Industry, Stephanie has a way to show you in simple terms that’s easy to understand. The ABMA is the best thing that the industry has seen in some time. I believe any person or business that becomes involved with Stephanie, Strata Mastery, and the ABMA will benefit from her leadership, knowledge and willingness to help. If you have the chance to speak or meet with Stephanie, you will come away knowing you have a professional with your best interests looking after you.”
Business Development Manager – Brisbane City
Peter Dick & Annemarie Dickson - Resident Managers
“We attended the (4 Hour) ABMA Code Introductory Course + “Strata Mastery” – ABMA Code Utilisation & Code of Conduct Workshop, as presented by Stephanie Yun.
We were delighted to find that Stephanie knew the code “inside out”, and is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about management rights. She is also very adept (and patient) at answering our questions and explaining things in terms we could understand.
There were as many as seven on-site managers who attended the course, which in our experience made the workshop more interesting and personable.
This was the first time my husband and I had met Stephanie Yun, and since this workshop we have maintained contact with Stephanie through emails and found her to be very approachable and helpful.
We would highly recommend that both committee members and building managers enrol in the “Strata Mastery” – ABMA Code Introductory program to gain an understanding of their building compliance obligations.”
Azure Apartments – Double Bay
Bill Lapthorn & Jane Lapthorn - Resident Unit Managers/Owner
“My wife and I own and manage a large, high-rise holiday resort on the Sunshine Coast. We initially subscribed to the ABMA Code. With the release of the 2nd Code Edition – which accurately reflects any changes to legislation each year, we renewed our subscription and were pleased to discover that an ABMA Industry Accredited Course Facilitator (“Strata Mastery”) also provided training on the Code within the Sunshine Coast region to Resident Building Managers, Committee Members and Service Contractors. With the assistance and support of our Strata Managers, “Northcoast Body Corporate Management Services” (NCBCMS), the onsite building management team, including three of our voting committee members, enrolled in the ABMA Code Introductory Course. My wife and I further registered in the (half day) STRATA MASTERY – “Body Corporate Best Practice” Program. What are our thoughts?… The two half day, courses were very informative and well presented in an easy and relaxed style. In two words, “very good”. Our view in fact is that all Bodies Corporate and Caretaking Managers would benefit immensely from either enrolling in or completing a one day refresher course offered by Strata Mastery and the ABMA, every year.”
Centrepoint, Sunshine Coast
Darryl Clausen - Executive Committee Member
“If you happen to be a member of a Body Corporate in Brisbane and also have had difficulty with your Resident Manager, things could begin to change if you make the right move. Last Friday, four of the members of our Body Corporate along with our new Resident Managers met with Stephanie Yun at “Strata Mastery”. Quite often members of a Body Corporate will agree to be part of this non-paying Body to try to ensure their properties are well managed and serviced regularly. Many people in a complex will not volunteer for the Body Corporate, but leave tasks to others. As Stephanie explained though, would you rather be in the driver’s seat of a car and avoid an accident or be asleep in the back seat, unaware of what was about to happen. You might also find the ABMA Building Management Code to be your best guide, but have little idea how to really use it. You might also have a manager who does not do their job properly, but you are unable to know what they must rightfully do. I can highly recommend Stephanie to take you through the documents and train you in how to use them to your best advantage. She had a big task, but kept us on target, yet allowed for relevant questions as we went. Along with appropriate breaks and a comfortable environment, she helped to actually create a cooperative working Body Corporate Family for our complex. I came away with a very positive outlook and I believe the others on our team felt the same. We have already begun to develop some new policies together to handle several long standing problems.”
Avalon Parkside, Spring Hill
Claudia Anton - Executive Chairperson/Secretary and PBC Representative for Proximity in Hamilton
“Looking from different perspectives, have started year with a bang! One such highlight is the ABMA training with Strata Mastery! As a Chairperson and Secretary, the commitment to acquiring an understanding of the BCCM Act and the ABMA Code, equipped me with sound knowledge and understanding conducive to better governance within the Body Corporate. I could not emphasise enough the importance and validity of these courses, relevant to any committee member or executive alike. Operating as a volunteer in an unregulated industry such as that of the Body Corporate, is not an easy undertaking. However, to effectively improve the strategic and tactical capabilities necessary for a well-governed body corporate, I wholeheartedly recommend the ‘magic and common-sense offered by Stephanie Yun from Strata Mastery.”
Trevor Bock - Executive Committee Member
“The Strata Mastery – ABMA Code + Body Corporate Best Practice Workshop I attended with our Caretaker and Building Manager was most enlightening and informative. The delivery was very professional and the workshop was enjoyable and friendly. It was an opportunity to gain a very good insight into the many facets of building/facilities management from both the Committee and Building Management’s perspective. A valuable experience for both Committee Members and Building Managers on the ABMA Building Management Code and each other’s roles and responsibilities (as set out under the Body Corporate & Community Management Act). I would highly recommend this training program for all Building Managers and Body Corporate Committee Members.”
Victoria Towers – Gold Coast
Marion Mollet - Facility Management
“I recently completed the ABMA – “Strata Professionals Annual Induction” Training Program and the STRATA MASTERY – “Body Corporate Best Practice” Training Program with Stephanie Yun to update my knowledge on the Australian Building Management Code and Body Corporate & Community Management Act. The Courses helped me to better understand body corporate legislation and the practical applications for Building Managers in relation to building maintenance, insurance, WHS and (strata) stakeholder roles and responsibilities. The training that Stephanie presented was friendly, professional, practical and her underlying knowledge was simply invaluable.”
MJM Consulting & Training – Caloundra
Lalit Bhalla - Executive Committee Member
“Thank you Strata Mastery for a very informative program. It was such an eye-opener to see just how many Body Corporates/ Building Managers do not comply with the ABMA Code. You were fantastic and so knowledgeable. I applaud your presentation! I got so much out of the great day!… I now understand why industry solicitors refer to you as “a real asset to our strata industry”.
Ocean View Resort, Caloundra, Sunshine Coast
Marcella Walker - Property Developers
“As Caretaker and Management Rights Owner for a number of community title schemes, we registered for the Strata Mastery ABMA Code & Body Corporate Best Practice training program to familiarise ourselves with the Code and better appreciate the regulation around bodies corporate and more specifically the roles and responsibilities of strata managers and committees.
The training delivery was very professional and interactive and Stephanie’s knowledge of the Code, strata management and the industry generally was extensive. We found it particularly valuable that Stephanie was able to tailor the content to suit our specific needs as caretaker with practical case studies and real live examples.
The training has given us peace of mind that our operating practices and service standards are within the spirit of the Code.
We would be happy to recommend Stephanie and her Strata Mastery program to our strata managers and committee representatives.”
Financial Controller, Ekkopoint Properties, Brisbane City
Neil Belton of ``Furtado Group`` - Operator of Over 13 Sets of Management Rights
“Our company own and operate 8 sets of Management Rights within Senior/Aged Care Residential Villages (Strata Title Schemes) in addition to a number of other complex’s. (Strata Mastery) Stephanie Yun’s expertise has been an eye-opener for our Management team. The training provided was customised and designed to take into account our individual weaknesses and strengths and enabled our team to develop the professional skills required to competently perform all aspects of the Caretaker’s role for the Bodies Corporate we manage.
Stephanie also provides an excellent backup and support (consultancy) service to staff, as needed. We highly recommend the appointment of Strata Mastery to work effectively with all industry stakeholders – Committee’s, Strata Managers and Caretakers.”
(Strata Mastery services engaged by “The Furtado Group” included: (i) “ABMA Code Introductory Course; (ii) STRATA MASTERY – “Body Corporate Best Practice” Training Program – Part A & Part B; (iii) “STRATA MASTERY – “Body Corporate Best Practice – Site Specific, Compliance Support”.)
Operations Manager – Brisbane
Wei Li (David) - Owner & Operator of Management Rights
“I recently enrolled to the ABMA – Strata Professionals Annual Induction (“SPAI”) Training Program with Strata Mastery. I was extremely grateful for the kindness and professionalism Trainers extended to me. Although I have owned and operated Management Rights for over two years, I gained so much from the training program I honestly wish that I had attended the workshop earlier! I will be telling all my friends about Strata Mastery. I know that they will also find the course very helpful. Staff encouragement also gave me a lot of confidence. Their extensive knowledge and professional attitude is excellent. I would urge the community as a whole (committee members, lot owners, caretakers) to get training or seek guidance from Strata Mastery. The course concluded at 4:30pm however Trainers stayed on until 6pm to assist me with my personal queries. I will be keeping in touch with Strata Mastery and only wish them well.”
Nexus On Nundah
Glen Luscombe of ``ARC Projects``
“Thank you Stephanie for your energy and passion. With such high stakes involved with property investment every person involved with a Strata Titled Property needs to speak to Stephanie and the ABMA. All parties have a heavy investment in their property whether they are owner occupiers, investors, site managers or contractors there is legal responsibility for all parties. I personally believe that the ABMA are a valuable tool in maintaining and servicing properties. With over 35 years of expereince in the building maintenance industry, I found from a contractors point of view, it really helpful to understand the code of practice and workings of the strata title industry. It has given me understanding on how as a fully licensed building contractor we can assist our client better and understand what they need with the easiest, safest and most transparent course possible. I recommend that anyone who has or is getting involved with any part of a body corporate and strata titles management industry speak to Stephanie and broaden your understanding. Protect yourself and your investment.”
Brisbane City
Coral Samal - Executive Committee Member
“I am Chairperson for our committee at Vertice Apartments CTS 46020. Along with our building manager, I recently completed the ABMA – SPAI (Strata Professionals Annual Induction) and STRATA MASTERY – ABMA Code Utilisation & Code of Conduct Training Program for caretakers and committee members. In addition to the STRATA MASTERY – BCBP (Body Corporate Best Practice) Full Training Program. Stephanie introduced us to the ABMA Code. It is a ‘go to’ reference guide for committee members and the building manager as it pulls together acts, regulations, code of conduct and maintenance of common property in practical terms. It defines a minimum standard for cleaning, gardening, maintenance etc., everyone’s opinions around these areas is different so having a reference point simplifies difference of opinions. Stephanie has an in depth understanding and professional knowledge of statutory legislation that enables her to deliver to committee members and caretakers a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. The training was clear, concise, informative and delivered in such a way that it was unique to our body corporate. We had a lot of questions relating to our complex that Stephanie did not hesitate to guide us to the appropriate legislation and the ABMA Code. Stephanie went above and beyond her role by supporting both the committee and building manager to perform their duties in a efficient, cooperative way. Even though our training is finished she is still in touch and offering support. The training has made me aware of the committee’s legislative responsibilities and the importance of looking after our complex for the future.”
Vertice Apartments CTS 46020
Cathering Chun - Owner & Operator of Management Rights
“I recently subscribed to the ABMA – SPAI (Strata Professionals Annual Induction), STRATA MASTERY – ABMA Code Utilisation & Code of Conduct and STRATA MASTERY – BCBP (Body Corporate Best Practice) Training Program. I found the courses to be very useful in my role as Building Manager. Stephanie Yun is very professional and provided a lot of good examples and delivered practical knowledge that related specifically to my field and my body corporate. I highly recommend the “Strata Mastery” Training Program to those wishing to enrich their knowledge in the area of management rights and also for those wishing to keep up-to-date with their building compliance requirements. I have recommended the training program to my body corporate committee members and even my strata manager! I am so pleased that I have completed the training program and have Stephanie as a reliable industry contact.”
Kuraby Parkside
Jin & Grace Kwon - Owners & Operators of Management Rights
“We were referred to Stephanie Yun (of “Strata Mastery”) from two independent industry sources, at a time when we were experiencing issues with our body corporate committee. After completing the ABMA – “Strata Professionals Annual Induction” (Australian Building Management Code Introductory Course), “STRATA MASTERY” – ABMA Code Utilisation & Code of Conduct Program (practical application of the ABMA Code Standards to the Caretaking contract) and “STRATA MASTERY” – Body Corporate Best Practice Training Program (Introduction to the BCCMA97), we soon realised the importance of all industry parties – Building Managers, Committee Members and even Strata Managers, enrolling to these three programs. If all relevant stakeholders completed the program with Stephanie Yun of “Strata Mastery”, we would all be on the same page! Everyone would possess an accurate interpretation of Caretaking duties and gain a better understanding of the equal and important role each one of us plays in relation to the maintenance and care of common property. I genuinely believe that there would also be less issues arising between the Building Manager and Committee Members. Whilst undertaking the course, we could not help but be impressed with Stephanie’s extent of industry knowledge and experience within the strata sector. Stephanie has not only previously performed the functions of a Senior Strata Manager, Body Corporate Branch Manager, Property Manager, Letting/Sales Agent but also currently assumes the dual role and responsibility of Chairperson/Secretary within her own complex. Stephanie also performs the role and functions of the Building Manager at “Windsor Suites”. I believe this is fundamentally why Stephanie’s training programs are delivered in a very clear, concise and relatable manner. Her training program is not only designed for Building Managers (like me) but also experienced or inexperienced Committee Members and Strata Managers. I would not hesitate to recommend Stephanie to any person/s in our industry. She is the best!”
Arundel, Gold Coast
Simon & Teresa Ngai - Owners & Operators of Management & Letting Rights
“I am writing to recommend the services of Strata Mastery.
My wife and I engaged Strata Mastery to provide “BUILDING COMPLIANCE” training services – Training on the Australian Building Management (“ABMA”) Code and “Body Corporate Best Practice” (BCCM Act) regulatory requirements, in July of this year. The purpose was to improve our overall knowledge and work performance, as co-owners/operators of Management Rights within the strata industry.
At the time of Strata Mastery’s appointment, we were facing some challenges with our body corporate committee. We required the assistance of an independent consultant who could accurately assess our situation and to help us solve a number of issues within a short period of time.
Strata Mastery’s response was immediate and they went out of their way (sacrificing their personal weekend time) to meet us onsite in order to accommodate pressing compliance deadlines.
Strata Mastery has been a trusted resource from the moment we met. Trainers have not only delivered on their promises and improved our technical knowledge base significantly and within a matter of days! But the enthusiasm and willingness to share their knowledge, industry resources and office/management tools etc. to help my wife and I to solve our problems in a timely and efficient manner, was made so easy. Management tools which we have found to be been invaluable for the longevity of our business and scheme.
I highly recommend the services from Strata Mastery to anyone who works in the industry or lives in strata. I believe their in-depth knowledge and professional commitment would greatly assist those in genuine need.”
Padstow Views, Eight Mile Plains
Willem Westra van Holthe - Executive Committee Member
“The two days I completed with Strata Mastery were hugely beneficial to my knowledge and understanding of everything that relates to Bodies Corporate and especially to my role as a Body Corporate Chairperson. Clearly, Trainers are highly experienced and knowledgeable. Their course delivery (Northern Territory – ABMA “Strata Professionals Annual Induction” & STRATA MASTERY “Body Corporate Best Practice” Training Programs) was clear and concise, supported by real-life anecdotes and tailored to the laws and regulations of the Northern Territory and my own complex bodies corporate (mixed use) structure. I’m genuine in saying that I enjoyed the programme. Trainers succeeded in opening the eyes of everyone in the room! I have no hesitation in recommending Strata Mastery to anyone looking to broaden their knowledge and give them confidence to properly perform their roles as body corporate members.”
Wharf One – Northern Territory, Darwin
Dan Stanaway - Owner & Operator of Management Rights
“I have found the course content and the quality of the training to be “Excellent”. The (4 Day Course) I attended was all extremely relevant and I enjoyed learning more. I’ve done this job (Building Management) for a number of years and finally have the confidence when dealing with body corporate matters. I would definitely recommend this course to others. In fact, I already have!”
The Edgebrook CTS 51739, Lutwyche
Rhiannon Spelman - Property Manager - Arden Group - Property Developers
“5-STAR RATING – HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: The training (ABMA & Body Corporate Legislation Course) I had with “Strata Mastery” was invaluable. Stephanie Yun is so professional, an absolute wealth of knowledge and has an excellent teaching style with an incredible knack for explaining legislation in layman’s terms. Thank-you so much Stephanie – I feel extremely confident moving into my new role!”
Paul Vasey - CMBM Facilities Manager
“Stephanie Yun (Strata Mastery) is an excellent Course Facilitator. Her professional approach made the training program interesting, fun and moved at the right pace. Stephanie communicates in a way that was easy to understand, she clarified points where needed and provided answers to questions at anytime that was required rather than at the end of the workshop. Her tailored course to suit our exact needs were beyond expectation and delivered to a high standard. I would highly recommend any of Strata Mastery classes for anyone requiring strata or building management knowledge.”
Raquel John - Owner & Operator of Management Rights
“Strata Mastery would have to be one of the most informative amazing courses I have ever enrolled to. Stephanie’s knowledge on all things to do with Management Rights, Strata Management, ABMA Building Code, any legislation is phenomenal! I recently completed the 4 day course and would highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to gain in-depth strata knowledge and even knowledge of things you wouldn’t have known was even out there to learn! Better yourself and your business! Extremely professional. Stephanie also helps you after your course and is able to put you in touch with service contractors, that are efficient and qualified. She has a large data base.”
Sandringham Apartments, Bundall, Gold Coast
Steven Zhang - Owner & Operator of Management Rights
“5-STAR RATING – Thank-you very much Strata Mastery for helping me to comply with the “Diverse FMX” Caretaker Performance Management Audit Report. The training course was very comprehensive and provided me with knowledge and thorough understanding of the ABMA (Australian Building Management) Code – Relevant acts and regulations that apply to my body corporate. I wish I had completed the training program 2 years ago when I first purchased the business! (Management Rights). I highly recommend that other onsite Managers or MR purchasers undertake the Caretaker course.”
Lilly Jia - Owner & Operator of Management Rights
“I have made many investments throughout my career but this course (Strata Mastery – Caretakers Performance
Briony Burke - Executive Committee Member
“5-STAR OVERALL PERFORMANCE RATING – Why has it taken so long for such a course (SPAI – Strata Professionals Annual Induction and Strata Mastery – ABMA Code Utilisation & Code of Conduct Training Program) to be implemented to the committees and owners who struggle with understanding the mine field that is Body Corporate or Strata. Finally some clarification. Looking forward to more.”
Jason Whitelock - Owner/Operator of Management Rights, Caloundra
“The experience with Stephanie Yun (of Strata Mastery) was great! Stephanie makes you feel at ease within the training environment and explains content (ABMA Code & Body Corporate Legislation) in a manner that is easily digested. I would certainly recommend anyone looking to either update their skills or someone entering the Building or Strata Management Industry to undertake the training course. Spend the money and invest in your future and business. The training is an invaluable tool that will provide you with the professionalism and diligence required to set you apart from other service providers.”
Jason & Louise Agnew - Owner/Operator of Management Rights, Coolangatta
“My wife and I are relatively new managers in a 94 apartment building on the Gold Coast and we engaged Strata Mastery to help us better understand our obligations to the body corporate and the building in general. We discovered how much we didn’t know! The Strata Mastery course was incredible. We learnt so much within a short period of time and discovered that there is a formal structure in place that supports Building Managers and Body Corporates so that their tasks and duties have been benchmarked at a minimum standard. An added benefit is that it helps promote good relations between both parties which is something that we’ve been striving for since beginning this tenure. There is a huge amount of legislation to be aware of and with this understanding we can confidently know that we’re compliant and ensure the building is managed in a more professional way. We have no hesitation in recommending Strata Mastery as an essential training exercise for new managers and even for existing ones to keep up with current legislation and expectations.”
Mary Liu - Owner/Operator of Management Rights, Gold Coast
“Strata Mastery was recommended to me by my management rights industry specialist lawyer, Mahoney Lawyers. My priorities were to ensure that I suitably impressed my new prospective body corporate committee (at the Assignment Interview) and to confidently deliver on my contract obligations to secure my own personal investment which was not insignificant. I had previously owned and operated management rights but there was some room for improvement. After completing a one week intensive training program and engaging Strata Mastery consultancy services, I not only successfully obtained the written consent of the body corporate, but more importantly, I was able to implement a detailed building management action plan for the mutual benefit of my family and my new body corporate. I could not have been happier with the one-on-one assistance that I received and onsite too! The training program was 100% customised to my personal and professional needs and was 100% specific to the scheme I was looking to purchase. The fully customised program helped to remove any confusion previously experienced in my role. I would greatly urge any new or existing buyer of management rights to undertake the Strata Mastery training program. Stephanie is true to her word and will help you to “take control of your investment”. Thank-you Strata Mastery!”
Darren Paterson - Director, Leader Fire & Electrical Services, Brisbane
“We are a trade services company and have been working with Strata Management companies for many years as this sector is a great fit for our business. I have just completed the Strata Mastery ‘Trade Services’ course with Stephanie Yun and cannot believe how much I have learnt during this course. From this course we have been able to formalise strategies that will take our business to the next level. Thanks Stephanie, two things became obvious during the course , your passion for this industry along with your incredible knowledge of the Body Corporate Management. I would highly recommend this course to either those currently providing trade services to the industry and even those looking to start. Thanks Stephanie.”
Owner/Operator of Management Rights - Gold Coast Multiple Developments
“We have recently undertaken the “Strata Mastery” – Caretaker Performance Management Audit/Assessment Training Program” which incorporated both the (QLD) Building Compliance 101 Training Course and “ABMA” – Code Utilisation & Code of Conduct Training Program with Stephanie Yun.
We have to say, we learnt a lot within a short period of time, especially what was performed right (that is, tasks in accordance with our Caretaking Agreement – “Schedule of Duties”, and all applicable industry Acts and Codes of Practices), what was performed incorrectly, and certainly what we must execute in the future to ensure the best possible outcome in our role as Building Managers.
We would like to say thank you Strata Mastery your professionalism and imparting site specific information and body corporate specialist knowledge during each fully customised training session. Upon completion of the training course, my husband and I further engaged Strata Mastery (on a casual consultancy basis) to assist us, one-on-one, to meet our contractual obligations and ultimately to achieve a positive assessment/audit result. We would highly recommend “Strata Mastery” to others.”
Amy Song & Tat Nguyen - Owner/Operator of Management Rights
“As a new entrant to Management Rights, Stephanie Yun of Strata Mastery provided us with one-on-one training. Stephanie came highly recommended to us by our Agent as we were very nervous as beginners to the strata industry. The training program taught us professional business practices, how to interpret the ABMA Building Management Code and detailed specifics about our contract and complex. The knowledge and confidence we gained from the course helped us to cement a lasting impression with our body corporate and gain full consent. Stephanie Yun is extremely good at what she does and my husband and I felt that it was well worth our time and investment. Thank you for being a great friend and trainer”.