Read on to learn about the different roles and functions in a Body Corporate Committee.
The Committee are integral to the day-to-day management of the scheme, making decisions on behalf of the body corporate in relation to building maintenance, common property improvements and upgrades, and enforcing the adherence of body corporate by-laws by all residents.
The Chairperson’s role is to keep order to the meeting, not unlike a judge in a courtroom. Responsibilities include ruling motions out of order if they are unlawful or unenforceable, conflicts with a by-law, or the substance of motions are not included in the agenda of a general meeting. The Chairperson may also be elected to represent the body corporate in a voting capacity, at Building Management Group meetings where a Building Management Statement (BMS) applies to the scheme and/or appointed as the ‘nominated committee representative’ to liaise directly with the Caretaker on all building/body corporate matters.
The Secretary’s duties are largely to perform administrative functions and typically include the preparation and circulation of meeting notices and minutes in accordance with legislative requirements. Scheduling meetings and ensuring where possible, that a quorum (or more than 50% of voting members) are available to be represented in person or by proxy at an upcoming committee meeting. Preparing body corporate correspondences as required, maintaining the body corporate owner’s roll, harvesting the books and records of the body corporate and asking for and receiving nominations for committee positions before an Annual General Meeting.
The Treasurer is an important executive role which must be filled. Duties include preparation of draft administration and sinking fund budgets, preparation of financial reports, monitoring committee expenditure to ensure budgetary guidelines are met where possible, payment of body corporate tax invoices, issuing of levy contribution notices to lot owners, investing or borrowing of funds upon body corporate approval.
The Caretaking service contractor is a “non-voting” committee member. The duties of the Caretaker are clearly set out in their service contract and typically include gardening and cleaning tasks, supervision of workers on common property, harvesting building maintenance records of the body corporate, monitoring the adherence of body corporate by-laws by all residences, performing minor works while adhering to the body corporate workplace health and safety compliance management plan.
Caretakers may elect to become ABMA Industry Accredited, to ensure that the statutory, mandatory and minimum objective standards as set out in the ABMA Code are met.
The Strata Manger, who is appointed under an Administration Agreement is also a “non-voting” committee member. The duties of the Strata Manager is clearly set out in their service contract and typically include various Secretary or Treasurer duties. There are obligations on the Strata Manager to possess a good working knowledge of the Body Corporate & Community Management Act 1997 and Body Corporate Manager Code of Conduct.
Strata Managers may elect to become ABMA Industry Accredited, to ensure that the statutory, mandatory and minimum objective standards as set out in the ABMA Code are met.
Ordinary committee members are relied upon to actively partake in Committee discussions and to be readily available to vote on any matters requiring committee attention at a physical meeting or meeting conducted on paper – VOC (Vote Taken Outside a Committee Meeting). From time to time, Ordinary Committee Members may also be delegated the duties and responsibilities of the Executive Committee Members. Each committee member, irrespective of their position description, carries one committee vote, however one may hold an additional vote via proxy appointment for an absentee member at a committee meeting.
A body corporate may engage the services of an ABMA Industry Accredited Practitioner Strata Manager to assist the body corporate in performing certain roles and responsibilities.
Who are the ABMA Industry Accredited Strata Managers?
Write to: enquiries@stratamastery.com.au for details!